This toolkit has been designed for support workers to use in order to aid their one to one work with children and young people, specifically targeting and meeting their outcome star highlighted needs.

The toolkit includes activities and worksheets that will help to support the highlighted key areas that have presented from the outcome star assessment with the child, covering all eight key areas of need, plus an additional domestic abuse section.

This toolkit is designed to be used as an aid and support workers are able to amend, add or take ideas from it, in order to suit the individual needs of the children and young people they are working with.

We appreciate that there will be many more activities, games and worksheets that can be used in order to support the children, therefore this toolkit is designed to give support workers a good head start and an insight into the type of activities that would/could be beneficial to children and young people who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse.

We encourage support workers to snowball ideas off the back of these set ideas and to help shape the way this toolkit will eventually look by sharing these ideas and suggested activities.

We also encourage support workers to amend the activities to suit the age and stage of the children.


This toolkit has been designed for registered Ar Trac support workers to use in order to aid their one-to-one work with children and young people, specifically targeting and meeting their outcome star highlighted needs.

If you would like to register for access to this toolkit, please email

If you are already registered, please log in to view the Document Library.

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