Privacy Policy


Privacy Notice

Ar Trac is committed to keeping your personal information safe and being clear about how we collect your data, how we store it and what we do with it. This privacy notice applies whether you: want information or support from us; use our services; donate to us; work or campaign for us; use our Toolkit.

Cyfannol Women’s Aid manages the Ar Trac Toolkit. Cyfannol Women’s Aid is registered under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as a data controller with the number Z1003218. Full details of this listing can be seen on the Information Commissioner’s Office website. Cyfannol Women’s Aid’s registered charity number is 1045890 and company number is 02995805 (registered in England and Wales).

This Privacy Policy, along with our Service Information, Cookies Notice and website terms and conditions lets you know how we collect, use and keep your personal information safe.

If you have any queries about our Privacy Notice, please get in touch with our data team:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By post: Data Protection Officer, Cyfannol Women’s Aid, 3 Town Bridge Buildings, Park Road, Pontypool, NP4 6JE

Ar Trac uses any information you supply by registering to use this website to allow you access to the online Toolkit and be able to send you communications about Ar Trac that may be of interest to you, either electronically or otherwise. The ‘personally identifiable information’ is information that enables us to identify you, such as your email address, name, title, and address.

This policy may change from time to time so please check back periodically.

What information does Ar Trac collect?

Personal information Ar Trac may collect, by itself or through third parties, includes:

  • Name, address and contact details including email address and telephone/mobile number
  • Name of your organisation or employer, their address and contact details
  • Your job title or area of work
  • Financial details, UK Tax payer information (for Gift Aid), credit/debit card information and records of responses to campaigns
  • How you came to find us or about our services or events
  • If you ever visit our premises, which have CCTV systems operating for the security of service users, visitors and staff. These systems may record your image during your visit.

For service users we have specific consent forms and we use an encrypted case management system to store securely, which is password protected.

We may collect and store the following types of personal information: name, email address, date of birth, mobile or telephone number, relationship status, gender, sexual orientation, financial details, credit/debit card information, details about your education and career.

Certain types of personal information are recognised by data protection law as being more ‘sensitive’. Things like sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, religious or political opinion, data concerning your health (mental or physical) or your sex life fall into this category. Ar Trac will only collect sensitive information like this where it informs the provision of any service. We may also gather sensitive personal information if you choose to share your experiences with us for a case study, but we will only do this with your explicit consent.

How do we collect information about you?

Relevant personal data will be collected:

  • directly from you (e.g. from asking you to complete a registration form, a referral form, or speaking to you either on the phone or face to face).
  • from other agencies including police, health agencies, local authorities, voluntary and community organisations, safeguarding agencies and Ar Trac partner organisations.

Information you give to us directly

If you register to use the online Toolkit, donate money, request services or products, or become involved in our campaigns, we may collect and process the personal information that you’ve provided. Data might also be collected through applications or forms; quotes; invoices; purchase orders; contracts; service level agreements; from correspondence with you; or through interviews, meetings, or other assessments. We may also collect information from you when you report a problem with our website or if you complete a survey which we use for research purposes.

We will collect and store information that you give us when you do the following things on our website (or when you give permission to a relevant agency to submit information on your behalf):

  • Register to use the online Toolkit
  • Make an enquiry
  • Sign up to support a campaign
  • Support our work through a donation
  • Fundraise on our behalf
  • Tell us your story (for example, as a case study)
  • Give us feedback or make a complaint
  • Apply for a job or work with us
  • Register as a volunteer
  • Enter into a contract with us
  • Are photographed or filmed (for example, at an event)

We may also collect information from any agency that has referred you to us.

If you are employed by an agency and are contacting us on behalf of someone else, we will also collect and store information that you give us about yourself. This information will be limited to your name, email address and telephone number together with the referring agency name and address.

Where stated we may use the personal information you provide to contact you in the future about Ar Trac’s work. If you do not want this to happen please tick the appropriate box where provided.

Information you give to us indirectly

  • We store data about your visits to our website, for example, your location data or IP address (see Cookies Notice).
  • We store information about how you navigate our website, although this cannot be used to personally identify you (see Cookies Notice).
  • We may also collect and store your personal information if you interact with us on our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. This will depend on your own privacy settings on these individual channels, so make sure you check these first.

Young people aged 14 or under

Young people aged 14 or under must get the permission of a parent/guardian before providing us with any personal information.


How do we use your personal information?

We will use your personal information to do the following:

  • Allow access to the online Toolkit
  • Provide you with information, advice or services 
  • To refer you to appropriate services
  • To safeguard you, your children or vulnerable adults
  • To support prevention or detection of crimes
  • Process one-off or regular donations and to claim Gift Aid.
  • Maintain contacts
  • Make our marketing campaigns more targeted and relevant to potential clients and
  • Donors; we will only send you marketing information in this context if you have given us specific consent to do.
  • Send information about our activities, events and services to existing stakeholders or partners whose contact information we have obtained over the course of our relationship with them.
  • Share good news stories and key information from the wider Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence sectorwhich we believe may interest you. 
  • Respond to direct requests where you contact us with a query – we will use your personal information to respond.
  • Carry out general administrative tasks like dealing with complaints and feedback, essential record-keeping.
  • Transact: we will use your personal information to take payments from you when processing orders and payments for goods and services.
  • Keep you safe: in the event that we reasonably think you (or someone else) is at risk of serious harm or abuse.
  • Conduct polls, surveys and research: we may invite you to take part so that we can improve our website, services and/or strategic development.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: we use your personal information to inform and develop our service delivery.
  • Improve your experience of our website, so that we may offer you a more user-friendly navigation of our website.
  • Process applications to work at Cyfannol Women’s Aid: for example, if you fill in an application form or send us your CV or send us information speculatively in respect of possible contract opportunities.
  • Supporter profiling and analysis: we will use your personal information to help us better target communications, so that you are more likely to receive communications relevant to your interests.


Communication from Ar Trac:

Ar Trac will from time to time send out electronic communications to registered users regarding the online Toolkit status, updates, and functionality. Ar Trac will only use the registered user details for these communications.

For how long will we keep your personal information?

At Ar Trac, we are committed to retaining your personal information for no longer than necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was first collected. This is in line with guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office. Ar Trac will hold registration details for as long as a user is registered to use the online Toolkit. Ar Trac may hold some other types of data for up to seven years.

For example, in the case of financial transactions like donations and purchases, we will keep your personal information for as long as legally required in respect of tax or accounting purposes, which could be anything up to six years after a transaction has taken place.

We keep your registered personal data for registration and communication purposes for as long as you want to have access to the online Toolkit. If you decide to cancel your registration, we will no longer use your personal data for this purpose.

Do you share my information with anyone else?

We will only share your data when necessary and when the law allows us to. We will always share the minimum data required.

We sometimes need to share your data with other organisations. For matters relating to our support services, we may need to share your personal data with:

  • Ar Trac partner organisations
  • MARAC partners – for high risk victims of domestic abuse (with or without consent)
  • The Police – for the prevention and detection of crime. We encourage you to always report crimes directly to the Police, but if a crime needs reporting to the Police to safeguard you, or other people, we have to share information.
  • Other individuals and organisations, if the sharing would assist with a safeguarding issue, or help prevent a crime. Sometimes we may share your data without your knowledge.

We may also share your information in the event that we use third party suppliers to help deliver our services, fundraising activities and campaigns. For example, when you are making a donation using an external website you are going through to a partner company and the information you give such as your credit card number and contact information is provided so that the transaction can take place.

We will never sell or rent your data to third parties or share your data with third parties for marketing purposes.

Keeping your personal information safe

We have both digital and operational safeguards to make sure your data is secure at Ar Trac. Access to information is reviewed on a regular basis and limited to those people who actually need to access it, and are assigned the permission to do so.

Ar Trac online webforms are protected by secure end-to-end encryption. The personal information we collect from you online is stored by us on databases protected through access controls, firewall technology and other appropriate security measures.

There are, however, inherent risks to passing information over public networks and Ar Trac cannot 100% guarantee the security of data handled in this way.

Ar Trac’s web servers are located in the United Kingdom.

Your rights and managing your own data

You have a number of rights under the General Data Protection Regulations. These can be found on the ICO website

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please email [email protected]. Or if you prefer, you can make the request in writing to: Data Protection Officer, Cyfannol Women’s Aid, 3 Town Bridge Buildings, Park Road, Pontypool, NP4 6JE.

How to make a complaint

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the way in which Ar Trac / Cyfannol Women’s Aid handles your personal information, or if you wish to make a complaint, please send a request by emailing [email protected]. Or if you prefer, you can make the request in writing to: Data Protection Officer, Cyfannol Women’s Aid, 3 Town Bridge Buildings, Park Road, Pontypool, NP4 6JE.

If you’re unhappy with our response, you may then raise your concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF

Alternatively you can visit the ICO website.

Cyfannol Women’s Aid is registered under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as a data controller with the number Z1003218.

Changes to our privacy policy

Our Privacy Notice may change from time to time, so please check this page occasionally to see if we have included any updates or changes, and that you are happy with them.

(Last updated: October 2022)